The Meeting Room of Glicini Hotel
The Glicini Hotel has 5 meeting rooms: Azalea, Camelia, Erica, Magnolia and Glicini. The rooms have different sizes to meet different needs and all are equipped with Wi-fi, air conditioning, overhead projector and video projector.

Azalea Room
95 sqm. available in theatre style 30/40 person. Width 987cm - Length 970cm.

Camelia Room
100 sqm. available in theatre style 60/70 person. Width 1130cm - Length 893cm.

Erica Room
112 sqm. available in theatre style 60/70 person. Width 1093cm - Length 1028cm.

Magnolia Room
200 sqm. available in theatre style 140/150 person. Width 2060cm - Length 1000cm.

Glicini Room
300 sqm. available in theatre style 180 person. Width 3190cm - Length 9440cm.